Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Has the present young generation become too addicted to gadgets?

Those of us, who were born before Independence, did not have the luxury of electricity in most places. Outdoor sports, cards, snake and ladders and similar indoor games were the only source of entertainment. In bigger towns the Talkies (Cinema) provided variety. Valve radio was the only gadget, that also with a few well to do and needed a car battery where electricity was not available. With the advent of transistor, a radio running on cells was the next step. The cassette player remained the party and home gadget for music for a long period. Japanese invention of Walkman made it convenient to carry (and wear!).

Computer revolution started by the microchip (integrated circuit) replaced the larger computers by minis and later by what is now called Desk Top personal computer. As the size of the microprocessor reduced and its capabilities increased, the size of computer started coming down. From Desk it moved to the Lap and then to Notebook and then to Palm and now most of its common functions are built in a mobile phone.

What was for us an occasional musical night or listening to Nehru or Patel (Yes those days we sat for hours to listen to their speeches!) in front of the neighbour’s radio is today replaced by a small hand held gadget containing hundreds and even thousands selectable songs as well as radio stations. You can see a video, hear the conversation along with the picture of the caller, see or download a movie all in a small gadget. What has really changed the scene during the last three four years throughout India is the mobile phone. Every one from the highest business leader to the ordinary worker can be seen talking to their friends or bosses.

Its prevalence in the younger generation is however a source of worry. You can see young boys and more of the girls holding a small cell phone close to the ear and walking/sitting in a car/driving a two wheeler with one hand and talking on mobile at the same time with one hand pressed to their ear. It is a common sight of girls driving or walking with scarf hiding the entire face with only eyes visible and earphone attached for music or talking on cell phone.

One can get an idea of today’s gadget addicted youngsters if we find out the time spent in talking on cell phone, listening to music on I-pod, watching videos of You Tube on computers, listening to music (louder the better) on car cassette/CD player and time and money spent in charging and ‘topping’ the mobile phone. For them life without these gadgets is unthinkable and they are least bothered about the long term ill effects as they are young and are just trying to enjoy life. Cell phone in particular was probably invented as a necessity but is today an addiction particularly for the young generation.

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